Be prepared for real results from your skin treatments
When you book in for a facial, be prepared. Be prepared for questions, lots of them!
When you complete your skin consultation form there may be a few of your answers that lead us to ask even more questions. This often leads to vital information assisting us into planning the best skincare program for you. Questions may relate to lifestyle, nutrition, stress levels, health etc all of these things go into consideration when we have you booked in for a skin treatment. In some instances we may recommend a slightly different treatment to what you had booked in, or we may ask you to follow a specific homecare routine to prepare your skin for a more intense type of procedure. True skin results are based on a committed relationship between you and your skin therapist!
Once we’ve gathered all the information under the sun, you can lay back and relax while we get started on your skin journey.
Yes thats right you’ll still get your blissfully relaxing facial specifically tailored to you and your skin’s needs with a cocktail of delicious products to have you feeling amazing after every visit.